Green Backs for our 10th Anniversary Deck Are Coming

Green Backs for our 10th Anniversary Deck Are Coming

Our muy popular 10th anniversary decks are getting a partner.

The 10th anniversary decks arrived around the same time last year and have been a monster hit.  We weren’t sure if adding the bird was a major desire (although it was requested frequently), but it turns out that it was.

In just a few days, we will have our next addition to the team, the green 10th anniversary 57 cards decks.

They are set up with the same marking as the blue decks, they will just have a different colored back.  This deck is the perfect companion for the blue decks for those that like to be shuffling one deck while the other deck is in play.  That way the two decks do not get mixed together.

Keep an eye out for our pre-order email coming in the next few days.


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